Shadows in the Night Page 10
Andrew was the first to speak. “So does this mean he’s fine? Or at least that he will be? What about brain function and all that? I’m no doctor, but being in this coma for two weeks now, will that hurt him mentally?”
The doctor smiled. “While I can’t guarantee he won’t have permanent brain damage, I’m pretty confident your brother will pull through this without any long-term effects on his brain. He is showing positive brain activity, and I believe he’ll be fine. He just needs time to recuperate, and hopefully he’ll be as good as new. Now if you’ll just follow me to the nurses’ station, I need you to sign the permission form allowing us to stop his medically induced coma.”
“Of course, Dr. Hagen. Thank you for everything you’ve done to save my son.” Eleanor stood and shook his hand.
Dr. Hagen gave her a smile. “You’re very welcome, Mrs. Robbins.”
Everyone followed Dr. Hagen out of the room except for Heather.
Good as new ... He had said “good as new”. Heather felt her shoulders relax, and she prayed silently for Michael as she waited in the corner chair.
Minutes later, Andrew returned to the room, and she watched him quietly slip into the chair beside her.
“Perhaps between the two of us, we can really get our message to Him.” He bowed his head and placed a hand on her shoulder. Together they prayed for Michael’s full recovery.
With an “Amen,” Heather smiled over at Andrew. “Thanks for praying with me, Andrew. For the past few weeks, it’s been hard to open up and just talk with God.”
“Michael and I haven’t had the closest relationship, but he’s my brother, and I still love him.”
“I’m sure this is very hard on you, Andrew.” She glanced at the floor and then back up at him. “Everything happened so quickly, I still worry about who and what. Fortunately, security has been tight at the house. I was worried for Evelyn, but I feel better now that you’re all there. It’s good she has all your support.”
“She’s certainly a trooper, and has such a sweet smile. She asked me yesterday if God was watching over her still since the bad guys came. I have to say I’m surprised. Michael made it clear about his religious beliefs the last time I saw him. I’m glad he’s allowed her to talk about God.”
“To be honest, when I first came here, Michael made it clear I couldn’t teach her anything about God while I was working. And I did what he asked, that is until Evelyn asked me one day about God and I had to explain to her why I couldn’t. It was then that she told me there was nothing preventing me from sharing my faith during my off work hours.” Heather tapped a finger to her temple. “She’s a smart girl.”
Andrew laughed out loud. “She’s so much like Michael; it amazes me sometimes. That sounds exactly like something he would say.” Andrew shook his head. “You mentioned you’re Evelyn’s nurse... how is her condition?”
“She’s actually doing great. She’s responding well to therapy, and her health has gotten better. We just went on a trip to Thrill Mountain, and even though she caught a bug, she recovered quickly, which surprised me.”
Andrew leaned back in his chair. “Good, that’s very good.” He sat there, quietly lost in concentration for a few moments before looking past the door. “I suppose Eleanor is going to be in there for a while. Would you care to grab a bite with me? I’m still not familiar with this area, and I sure could use the company.”
He grinned at her, and there was no mistaking the familiar Robbins smile she had grown to love. How could she resist?
“I’d like that. But first, it’s time for Evelyn’s medication now. I think Linda might be with her. She’s been helping a lot since I’ve been up here. Maybe we can ask if she’d like to come along.”
“Of course.”
They both stood and headed toward the parking lot. Andrew drove her back home where she changed into something comfortable before heading to Evelyn’s room. When she entered the room, she found Linda reading from a storybook.
The nanny looked up from her book and flashed an anxious gaze at her. “Hey, Heather, what happened?”
“The doctors feel Michael is doing well with the treatment so they’re going to bring him out of the coma this afternoon.”
Linda forced a breath past her lips. “Will he be okay?”
Heather turned her lips into a hopeful smile. “We’re hoping for the best. The doctors aren’t sure if there will be any permanent brain injury. We can only pray that he’ll be okay.”
Linda pursed her lips tightly together and nodded slowly. “Maybe God will use this situation to bring Michael back to Him.
“I’m praying for that too, Linda.” Heather clasped Linda’s hands between hers. “We have to trust that God will work things out for what is best.”
Linda let out a sigh. “You’re right Heather. It’s all in His hands. I’ve tried to trust that God will take care of him, but it’s hard not to worry.”
“I know it’s been a lot of stress for you. But don’t forget to take some time out for yourself. Hey, Andrew and I are joining the rest of Michael’s family for lunch. Why don’t you come join us?”
Linda shook her head firmly. “Oh no, I wouldn’t fit in with his family, Heather. You know I’m not into high society gatherings. I’m the simple type and wouldn’t even know what to talk to them about.”
“Is that why you haven’t come to dinner lately? I’ve missed having you there, Linda. This is your home as much as anyone else’s.” Linda paused from cleaning a tray as Heather set a hand on top of hers. A weary sigh escaped the nanny’s lips.
“I know, Heather. And I appreciate you asking. I really do. It’s just that I’ve been real busy. That’s why I haven’t been around. I did tell you I’ve been seeing someone, didn’t I? He treats me like a queen, but sometimes he gets a little possessive about who I hang out with.” She went back to straightening up the room.
“I hope you’re being careful, Linda. I’m here if you want to talk you know? I know we had that talk the other day, but I hope it doesn’t change anything between us ...”
“Oh no, not at all, Heather. Everything is fine between us. Don’t worry; I’m being careful. And yes, we will have to have a sit down and talk about it soon. I promise.”
“Maybe I’ll just pass on lunch too. I feel like you’ve had to carry most of the burden at home since all this happened.” Heather emptied the trash by Evelyn’s bed.
“Nonsense, I’m just going to sit here and chat with Evelyn about the next vacation we want to go on. Right Evelyn?” She winked at Evelyn who gave her a thumbs up while listening to her digital player.
Linda rolled her eyes. “Kids.” She chuckled. “Go on and have fun; you deserve it.”
“Okay, Linda, if you’re sure.” She said her good-byes and headed downstairs where Andrew was waiting.
Chapter 13
Andrew’s eyes drifted from Heather’s feet to her face. From their first meeting, he couldn’t help noticing how cute she was. But seeing her natural beauty complemented with a white dress and short hair curled under her chin made his jaw relax. He counted himself lucky to spend the afternoon with her.
They decided to stop by the café around the corner. Heather had never eaten there, but she had always heard great things about it. Andrew chose a short rib sandwich while she enjoyed a salmon salad and tea as well as lemon cakes for dessert. After a long chat and dessert, Heather sat back in her chair and placed a hand on top of her stomach. “I don’t think I’ve eaten a regular meal since Michael got hurt. I certainly made up for that, didn’t I?” She laughed.
Andrew leaned back and gave her a grin. He found it hard not to admire the nurse. She was smart and educated and had obvious feelings for his brother. She was good for him, and maybe she could be that missing piece that could bring him back to God. If he could repair the broken relationship with his brother and get him to listen, Michael might have a chance to find true love again, just like he found in Carla.
“You’re very close to him,
aren’t you?” A serious expression washed over his face.
“We have a unique relationship. But it’s complicated ...” She shrugged and lifted the teacup in front of her eyes as she slowly sipped on the Earl Grey tea.
“I can tell he means a lot to you. He can be stubborn ... but he is a good man. And what’s the deal with this woman he’s supposedly engaged to? I haven’t even seen her yet. If he means so much to her, why isn’t she here?”
“Oh, you mean Cynthia Wilson ... well ... she’s in Hollywood for a project. She knows the situation, and she said she’d be here as soon as she could ... break away.” Heather tried to hide her disdain for the woman, but Andrew could sense her disapproval.
“Ah, I see, odd though if they are getting married. You’d think she’d at least show up when he almost dies ... but then again, that’s just my opinion.”
Heather shrugged her shoulders and kept silent. While there were lots of things she didn’t like about the haughty woman, she wasn’t going to disrespect Michael by belittling the woman he had chosen to marry. She switched topics and discussed what Michael was doing with the estate. Andrew asked about the garden project, and Heather offered to show him around.
She led him down the main path past the statues and the hybrids of delicate flowers. When they passed an intricately designed granite bench, Andrew stopped to rest.
“This is a wonderful place to be able to sit and spend time alone with God. I’m sure it’s very therapeutic for you, Heather.”
“It was ... until someone attacked me one night. Since then, I don’t come out here as much as I once did.”
“Wait, you were attacked too?” Andrew looked up at her quickly.
“Yes, it was a horrible experience ... but it was nothing compared to what Michael has been through. The police think it could be The Cove Thief who’s been terrorizing the community, but they aren’t sure. There wasn’t any solid evidence to go on. I really wish I got a good look at the attacker. If I had only checked on him a few seconds sooner, they’d have a better chance of finding the man. It’s so frustrating ...” Heather lowered her head as she sat lost in thought for a moment.
Andrew placed his arm around Heather’s shoulders. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. I understand how you feel, but the police are investigating it now, and the security is a lot tighter than it used to be. You did the best you could do. There was no way you could have known someone had broken into the house. Did you share everything you saw with the police?”
“Yes, on that night they wanted as much information as they could get while it was still fresh in my mind. I just wish I had seen more.” Heather kept her head bowed as the two sat in silence for a minute, listening to the sound of birds chirping from the trees until she broke their silence. “So if you don’t mind me asking, what happened between you and Michael?”
Andrew let out a sigh as he ran his hand through his hair and stared off into the distance.
“Once, a long time ago, Michael and I were very close. He was, and still is, someone I look up to. But don’t go telling him that now ...” He playfully tilted his head at her and smiled.
“What brought you two apart?” Heather immediately put a hand to her mouth. “I’m so sorry; I know it’s none of my business ...”
“No, it’s okay. You have a good heart, and I know you mean well, Heather. A while back before he met Carla, Michael had a girlfriend named Amelia. She was liked by everyone in the community and very beautiful. But then again, all the girls he liked were. He was serious about her. More so than any girl before. But I knew something wasn’t right about her.” He sighed as he remembered. “I tried to warn him that she couldn’t be trusted, but he wouldn’t hear it from me. One day, I decided to follow her and see who she hung out with.”
Heather’s eyes widened. “You actually followed her?” She could see his jaws clench as he kept his gaze fixed ahead.
“I know. It sounds bad, like I’m a stalker. But my gut instinct told me not to trust the woman, and I felt it was my duty to watch out for my brother.” Andrew’s face turned toward her.
“So I went to find her one day. I heard she often hung out at a mutual guy friend’s house. When I got there, I snuck around and glanced through the kitchen window. I found her ... in a compromising situation ... with our mutual friend. And then she turned and saw me staring through the window.” Andrew hesitated for a moment as images of that fateful day flashed across his eyes.
“Oh, that must have been awkward catching her in a moment of sinful passion.”
Andrew lowered his brows at her. “Passion? She wasn’t being intimate with the man, she was doing heroine.”
A gasp escaped Heather’s lips.
“Awkward doesn’t begin to describe how I felt. When I told Michael, he was heartbroken and angry at me for getting involved, but I think deep down he was glad to know the truth. A few weeks later, she was found strangled to death a few towns over...” He took a deep breath. “Michael blamed me and has never forgiven me since. He says if I hadn’t gotten involved that he could’ve gotten her away from all the bad stuff ... and that she still would be alive.”
Heather sat in shock. “It seems like you were trying to do the right thing, Andrew. I’m not sure why he would still be angry, but I know he carries the weight of the world on him. It’s like he can’t let go of anything, and in turn, he can’t open himself up.” Heather sat in silence for a moment as they took in the cool breeze.
“It’s getting a little chilly now. We’d better get in. I know you have to check on Evelyn.”
Heather gave him a smile. “Thanks for being so open with me, Andrew. Michael is lucky to have a caring brother like you. He just doesn’t appreciate it. I’ll be sure to remind him of that fact.
“Thanks, Heather. I’m so glad Michael hired you. You fit in perfectly with our family, and I know my mother adores you. I hope Michael continues to keep you around after Evelyn gets well.
“If it’s in God’s will, I would be more than happy to stay.”
They made their way inside, and Heather said good night before retiring off to her room. A new guard was stationed outside her room, and she found out Charlie had been moved to a different station. She hoped her friend was doing well.
The next morning, Heather gave Evelyn her medication, and after making arrangements for Andrew to watch her for a few hours, she set off for the hospital hoping today would be the day Michael would wake up from his coma. She walked with a purpose into the main lobby of the hospital and up the elevators to the third floor where she found Michael’s father, James, pacing in the lobby. She said a quick hello and took up a seat toward the front of the room.
James glanced up at her for a brief second before he sat down next to her. They both sat in an anxious silence for a few moments until he drew in a breath and began to talk. “He’s responding well after being taken off the medication.” James rubbed his hands together. “He was able to breathe on his own last night and even turned over in his bed.” He glanced back down at the newspaper in his lap.
Heather sat still for a moment, surprised the man had spoken to her. “Thank you, Mr. Robbins. I really appreciate you telling me.” Heather looked down at her hands and whispered a silent prayer for Michael. Just as she finished praying, Eleanor walked into the room.
“He’s awake dear ... and he’s been asking for you.” Heather looked up and saw Eleanor staring at her. There were tears in her eyes as she drew a hand toward Heather.
“Me?” Heather rested a hand on her bosom as she stood. She followed Eleanor out of the waiting room until they stopped in front of a large, oak door with the word Michael handwritten on the dry erase board. Heather stopped in her tracks.
Images of that fateful night flooded her mind, sending chills down her spine. She couldn’t erase the sight of Michael lying lifeless in her arms, covered in blood. Heather swallowed hard and closed her eyes before pushing the door open.
Even though Heather had treated several guns
hot victims in the past, nothing could prepare her for the image of Michael lying there covered in wires and tubes. She pressed a hand over her mouth as her breath caught in her throat. What was once an athletic frame that no woman could resist now resembled the body of a computer geek. Michael remained fast asleep, a side effect the doctors had warned them about that would wear off after a few days. As Heather moved quietly next to the bed, wetness formed in her eyes. Suddenly a rush of emotions flooded over her. She felt guilty for not being there, for not being able to prevent the tragedy from happening. If only ...
But she knew there was no sense in worrying about what she couldn’t change. Her immediate focus needed to be on the present and helping Michael grow stronger. And somehow during the process, she hoped to lead him back to a meaningful relationship with God.
Heather quietly eased herself into the chair next to his bed and gently placed her hand on top of his. Even though she tried not to wake him, his eyes fluttered open.
“Heather ...” he began with a raspy voice before clearing his throat.
“I’m so glad you’re here. Where have you been? I’ve been asking for you ...” He grimaced as he rolled over to face her.
Heather cradled his face with her hand. “Michael, you’ve been asleep for a long time. It wasn’t until the last hour that your mother said you asked for me.” Heather gave him a smile.
“Heather, what really happened?” He winced as he tried to raise his arm. “There was a noise ... I grabbed my gun ... and when I turned around, a masked man shot me.” Michael closed his eyes and tried to visualize what had happened. “I remember you were with me in the ambulance ... and that’s it.” He opened his eyes and tried focusing on her.