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Shadows in the Night Page 3
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The next day, they all woke up bright and early. It was the day they were all going to leave on their trip to Thrill Mountain. Even Linda was having a hard time suppressing her excitement.
“It’s going to be so much fun going on all the rides and eating a ton of junk food!” Linda laughed and glanced over at Heather. “Don’t you agree? This is so exciting!” Her smile was contagious, and Heather couldn’t help laughing at the woman’s excitement.
“Well, you’re definitely right about it being an exciting day, but I’m going to try and keep calm until we get there.” She winked playfully at her friend, causing them both to burst into laughter. They had gathered all the things they would need on their trip together and organized them neatly into small suitcases.
Because Evelyn had the most energy in the morning, the plan was to leave the night before, stay at a hotel for the night, and go to the park early the next morning. That way they could travel back home in the afternoon when Evelyn would be tired and could rest in the car.
Heather made one final trip to the SUV to drop off her luggage before double checking what else she might have forgotten to pack. After thinking for a few moments, she remembered a few items she had left in her bedroom: her purse, her sunglasses, and her Bible. She quickly ran back inside to grab them.
When everyone’s belongings were finally packed and ready to go, they gathered at the dinner table to enjoy one last meal before heading out on the road.
Linda acted like a little schoolgirl going for the first time. When Michael announced she would sit shotgun next to him, she nearly passed out from nervous excitement. Heather sat in the back seat next to Evelyn so that she could help her with her medication and make sure the girl would be okay during the long car ride. As the nurse sat behind Michael, she listened to Evelyn chatter away about which rides she wanted to go on first. The bubbly girl changed her mind every few minutes, and her indecisiveness made the group laugh.
Michael reassured her that she didn’t have to choose, that she would have time to ride on as many rides as she wanted. After a long drive and a few pit stops, they arrived at their hotel several hours later. Michael and Evelyn shared a room while Heather and Linda shared another. The bellboys helped them with their luggage, and once they settled into their rooms, they turned in early so they could be ready for the big day.
The next morning finally came, and for Evelyn, it couldn’t have been any more perfect. The sun rose lazily across the bright blue sky, surrounded by a backdrop of wispy white clouds. After taking quick showers and getting dressed, Heather and Linda made their way over to Michael and Evelyn’s room. Heather knocked lightly on the door, and the two women waited patiently as they admired the decorative oil paintings that clothed the walls of the hotel hallway. After a few moments, Michael opened the door and greeted Linda with a “Good morning” as she walked in past him. But Heather was mesmerized by a particular painting that hung on the opposite side of the hall and hadn’t noticed that he was still standing at the door. Seeing that she was off in her own little world, he coughed to cleared his throat. She turned around and looked at him with an awkward smile.
“Oh, hey, good morning!”
He gestured into the room, and as she walked past, she took note of the tousled mess on top of his head and the small white hand towel that had been used to dry his hair. Michael closed the door behind her and walked over to his bed where he started lacing his tennis shoes. Evelyn sat on the edge of her own bed, chatting away with Linda about how excited she was, saying that they had to ride the big, scary roller coasters first.
“Then we have to ride The Razorback! It’s supposed to be like you’re sitting in a rocket and then whoosh! You start flying! At least that’s what I’ve heard and read on the internet.” Linda chuckled and agreed with Evelyn that they were going to have lots of fun and that she also couldn’t wait to go on all the rides together. She helped Evelyn slip her shoes on and assisted her into her wheelchair.
Heather double checked everything in her bag while everyone else finished getting ready. She needed to be sure she had everything covered, especially when it concerned Evelyn’s health. After confirming she was ready to go, she glanced over at the crumpled comforter on Michael’s bed.
I wonder if he snores, or if he just looks perfect while he sleeps.
She shook her head at the thought, knowing she was being silly; but the thought of being so close to where he had slept brought a smile to her face. As her gaze bounced back to the others, she caught Michael staring at her. He grinned sheepishly and immediately looked away, taking interest in the burgundy colored walls of the room.
“This is such a bold color. I wonder how this would look in the study.” He kept his gaze on the wall.
Heather could feel her cheeks flush with heat, and her eyes quickly bounced away. Am I just imagining it, or was he looking at me again? The thought sent her mind on a roller coaster of its own, only there was no conclusion to the ride. Evelyn’s voice distracted her from her musings.
“I don’t want to wear it! People are going to look at me funny and think I’m weird!” Evelyn whined and crossed her arms as a long frown distorted her face.
“Evelyn, you knew you were going to have to wear a mask before we came; nothing has changed.” Michael walked over and gave her a sympathetic look.
“I feel fine! I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal.” She dug her hands on top of her hips.
“Evelyn, honey, I hate having to force you to wear it, but it’s for your safety and to make sure you don’t catch something that could make you feel worse than your chemo. You don’t want that do you?”
Evelyn kept her arms folded across her chest as she sulked silently in her chair.
“Like I said, we won’t force you to wear it. But if you don’t, I’ll drive us all straight home right now.” He walked over to the dresser and picked up the keys to the SUV.
Evelyn groaned and sat silent for a moment, mumbling to herself for a moment before securing the surgical mask to her face.
“I know you don’t like it, but it’s really for your own good.” He forced a smile across his lips, hoping to break the cloud of tension in the air. “Now, shall we ladies? I must say, I’m the luckiest guy to be going with such an entourage of lovely women.” Even though his comment was directed at everyone, Heather couldn’t help noticing he was facing her as he spoke.
Linda giggled, and Heather kept her gaze everywhere except on Michael.
Once outside, they all loaded into the car. Heather helped strap Evelyn in before sliding over into her own seat. Michael folded up her wheelchair and loaded it into the hatch. Within a few minutes, they were on their way.
The park was relatively close to their hotel, but for Evelyn, the ride seemed to take forever. She couldn’t contain her excitement, bouncing in her seat the whole drive there. When they turned into the park’s entrance, they were greeted with intertwining steel rails that seemed to touch the sky. Distant screams could be heard from somewhere inside the park, pitching higher as the rides took turns sending their human cargo high into the air before plummeting down, nearly touching the concrete floor below. The whole place pulsed with excitement like an enormous block party, and Heather was glad they had arrived there early. Not only did they beat the heat of the day, but they were also able to find a parking spot right near the front of the park.
Once Michael parked, they piled out of the car and began loading up on everything from tissues to sunscreen and lots of bottled water. As they finished packing everything from the trunk, Evelyn sneezed, causing Heather to immediately glance over at Michael. Their eyes met and held for a brief moment, giving Heather the chance to give him a “See? What did I tell you?” look. But she determined she wasn’t going to make a big issue of it and shook off her worry. Today was going to be a great day, and she wasn’t going to let a little sneeze ruin it. Evelyn could have been allergic to something in the air.
When they arrived at the line to buy t
ickets, there were only eight or so people ahead of them, giving Heather the opportunity to chat more with Evelyn about what rides she had planned to go on.
“I can’t wait to ride that new roller coaster advertised on TV! Heather, we can hold hands, and it’ll be so much fun!” Her face radiated with anticipation.
“Let’s see how you feel after riding on some of the smaller ones before we ride on anything that advanced, okay? I don’t want your first ride to make you nauseated for the rest of the day. Then you won’t feel like going on anything else.”
Evelyn playfully rolled her eyes and laughed it off. “You worry too much. I feel great, Heather, this is going to be awesome!”
Michael surprised Heather and Linda by buying their tickets, even though they had discussed prior to their trip that they were fine with purchasing their own.
“Oh Michael, you didn’t have to do that; Linda and I were fine paying for ourselves.”
“Well, it’s your day off; I don’t mind covering it. Besides, I’m glad you’re both here; Evelyn wouldn’t have it any other way.” He flashed her a smile.
Their day went smoothly as they started out with the smaller rides. After a couple of rides, Evelyn still seemed fine, which relieved some of Michael’s apprehension. As the sun neared the middle of the sky, everyone agreed it was time to take a break, and they searched the map for a place to eat. Evelyn decided on a restaurant, and they made their way to the center of the park where they enjoyed sandwiches, tea, and chips and laughed about their morning rides.
The sun intensified as the afternoon crept up on them, making it difficult for Heather to keep Evelyn out of the heat. The girl kept begging for one more ride ... and then two ... until she had to accept the fact she was completely exhausted. Michael looked down at her as he pushed her wheelchair, worried that she wasn’t feeling well.
“I think it’s about time to get going; I know I’m beat.” Michael slowed to a stop and stretched his arms above his head. Heather was in the middle of sharing a cotton candy with Linda and indicated they were ready to leave whenever Evelyn was.
“Oh no, not already!” Evelyn tried to sound as disappointed as she could, but she couldn’t hide the tiredness in her voice. In her lap sat a small stuffed bear that her father had helped her win earlier in the day.
A pink visor rested on her forehead, protecting her fragile skin from the sun, and Heather could see her energy had drained over the passing hours.
Earlier in the afternoon, Michael had suggested they should head back home, but Evelyn fiercely protested, insisting that she still felt okay. This time, Heather could tell she wasn’t fighting it nearly as much as she had before.
A loud explosion caught their attention, and they turned their heads in time to watch a big ball of fire shoot up into the sky. The pyrotechnic extravaganza lit up their faces as they stared in awe.
“One more Daddy, please? After this one, I’ll be done, and then we can go home.” Evelyn clasped her hands together as she looked up at him with pleading eyes.
Michael planted his hands on his hips and pressed his lips together. “Sweetie, I’m not sure that’s such a great idea. You look really tired.”
“But Daddy, I don’t know when I’ll ever come back. Please ... just one last ride.” Her lips puckered together.
Michael furrowed his brows. “You promise it’s the last one?” His head tilted sideways.
“Yes, Daddy, I promise.” Michael stood in silence for a few seconds before he forced a sigh from his lips as he shook his head. Evelyn caught on to his unspoken permission and grinned before rolling herself toward the line for her last ride.
Heather’s eyes grew wider and she shook her head at Michael as he watched Evelyn wheel herself toward the ride. Even though she wanted Evelyn to make the most of her day, she couldn’t fight the anxious feeling in the back of her mind. What was the girl thinking? She was already feeling tired. Riding this new attraction could make her feel worse. She hurried to catch up with Evelyn as Michael and Linda trailed shortly behind them.
With all her bubbly excitement, Evelyn beat the group to the entrance of the ride. She waited until the others caught up, and they looked up in unison at the huge roller coaster with its shooting cannonball of flames that erupted every ten seconds. Heather’s leg began to tremble, and a lump formed in her throat. She glanced down at Evelyn, who had a wide smile on her face. This was what the girl had dreamed about all these weeks, The Razorback.
“You said you’d go with me and hold my hand. Remember Heather?” With a huge grin, she looked up at her nurse’s white face.
Heather didn’t want to admit it, but this would be her first experience on an advanced roller coaster. She desperately wanted to convince Evelyn to change her mind. But she knew the girl wouldn’t be easily persuaded, and it wasn’t in her heart to let the young girl down. All Heather could do was nod in agreement.
Anxious thoughts tormented her mind as they waited in the long line. When did I ever agree to this? What am I thinking? Am I crazy? I’m going to die on this ride ... God, if this is how I’m supposed to die, I pray that you change your mind!
Michael watched the play of emotions cross Heather’s face and placed a comforting hand on her arm.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay. Hundreds of people go on these rides every day, and they live to tell about it.”
Heather gave him a sheepish grin. “Yeah ... I guess you’re right. But ...” She pulled him down so she could speak into his ear. “I’ve never been on an extreme roller coaster before ...”
Michael tried to maintain his composure, but his body shook as he threw his head back in laughter. Heather crossed her arms and furrowed her brows.
“That’s not very nice. It took a lot for me to admit that to you.”
Michael’s face turned serious. “I know, I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh.” He wiped a tear from his eye and looked at her with a smile. “All I can say is that you’ll have one heck of a story to share about your first extreme roller coaster experience.”
Before Heather could open her mouth to reply, they finally stood at the front of the line. Because of her priority status, the ride operator asked Evelyn which seat she wanted. She pointed to one of the seats closest to the front, and Heather helped lift her into the chair.
They boarded the bottomless monstrosity, and Evelyn held on to Heather’s hand. Their feet dangled above the floor as the workers checked their chest bars for safety. Evelyn had chosen the second row of seats, which made Heather feel uneasy. As the ride started moving, Evelyn waved at her dad, who was standing near the exit of the ride.
“I’m so excited! I can’t believe we’re actually here, Heather!” Evelyn squealed and squirmed excitedly in her seat. Heather maintained a death grip on her safety bar and silently prayed that the ride would end quickly. Her leg shook uncontrollably as the ride inched its way up the steep climb. It was at that moment that Evelyn took off her mask, stuffing it under her leg.
“Evelyn, what are you doing?” Heather’s eyes widened as if she had seen a spirit.
Chapter 5
“You need to put that back on; you know it’s for your safety!” Heather reached over Evelyn’s legs and tried to retrieve the mask, but Evelyn kept her leg firmly planted against the seat as she leaned her head back. From the corner of her eye, Heather could see the crest of the first drop approaching.
“I want to feel the air in my face, Heather. I just want to be normal for five minutes. Everyone thinks I have some terrible disease and that it’s something they’re going to catch. Right now, I just want to feel the breeze.”
Before Heather could reach over and grab the mask, they peaked the first massive hill, and the coaster was in full swing. As the ride twisted in all directions at eighty-five miles per hour, Heather finally understood how The Razorback got its name. Her hair flapped wildly behind her head as her body was thrown mercilessly against the steel contraption keeping her alive. Heather maintained a death grip o
n the bar while Evelyn had both arms in the air and her head tilted back. Since the day Heather met the girl, she had never seen her so carefree.
Evelyn stole a glance over at Heather and pulled on her arm, encouraging her to let go of the safety bar. At first, Heather refused to cooperate, afraid she would sail right out of her seat. But deep down, the curious part of her personality wanted to experience the thrill of doing something out of her comfort zone. One after the other, she slowly released her hands from the safety bar and lifted her arms to match Evelyn’s. It was then that she finally understood what Evelyn had been searching for. There was a freedom in that moment unlike anything Heather had ever experienced. She felt closer to God like this, letting herself feel free. Free from her past and her fears. She would never forget this moment.
Finally, the ride came to a stop, and Heather turned to gaze at the wide grin on Evelyn’s face.
“Wasn’t that a blast?” Evelyn leaned her head against the back of the seat as air rushed from her lungs.
“I’ll never forget about this ride.” Heather’s body trembled with excitement as she jumped down from her seat to help Evelyn unstrap.
As Heather helped Evelyn exit the ride, they heard an uncontrollable hacking sound coming from a boy seated behind them. Heather turned quickly and focused her attention on a teenage boy who wore a pale face with droopy eyes. Evelyn failed to notice the look of panic on Heather’s face. The nurse quickly looped the blue mask around Evelyn’s ear before ushering her into the wheelchair. Heather rapidly navigated their way around the crowd and made their way over to Michael and Linda who stood anxiously at the exit, waiting for news of how the ride went.